A network of local CSOs and NGOs in Cox’s Bazar to promote a human and gender responsive society through positive engagement with government.

Open Organization is Fundamental for Participation Revolution

The workshop on Participation Revolution I was keen to participate in the workshop, ‘Participation Revolution’ organised by CHS Alliance and ICVA, from 25 to 27th June 2024, in Bangkok, as I thought I would learn and share different definitions, initiatives and experiences. We found a lot of questions from our local friends about why it […]

2023 Joint Response Plan Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis_ January-December 2023

Bangladesh is temporarily sheltering over one million Rohingya refugee/FDMNs from Myanmar, while being compelled to assuming enormous amounts of her limited resources to meet costs and impacts incurred upon her economy, society, and environment. To avoid irreversibility of such impacts, Bangladesh looks forward to the response of the international community that is proportionate to Bangladesh’s […]

Becoming Locally LED as an Anti-Racist Practice: A Guide to Support INGOs

This draft document has been prepared by The Social Investment Consultancy (TSIC) with guidance from a steering group made up of members from three Bond working groups: Practice for locally led development; Sector commitments and Roadmap for locally led development; Changing donor policy and practice for locally led development. The Bond team have also provided […]

Bridging The Intention to Action Gap: The Future Role of Intermediaries in Supporting Locally Led Humanitarian Action

Since the World Humanitarian Summit 2016, the discussion on locally led humanitarian action has evolved considerably. The debate has become more nuanced in many ways, and with respect to intermediaries, the discussion has become less polarised and more constructive. This research paper contributes to that constructive direction by recognising that intermediaries have a role to […]