A network of local CSOs and NGOs in Cox’s Bazar to promote a human and gender responsive society through positive engagement with government.

Civil Society Calls for Strengthened Rohingya Support Ahead of Repatriation: International Seminar at Regional Humanitarian Partnership Week (RHPW) 2024 in Thailand

Bangkok, 11 December 2024: Civil society leaders and humanitarian experts have stressed the critical need to protect and support the Rohingya community in Bangladesh and beyond until their safe and voluntary repatriation to Myanmar. They urged governments and humanitarian actors to strengthen rights for the Rohingya, including access to higher education, income-generating activities, travel passes, […]

International webinar on Grand Bargain commitments: Humanitarian Actors demand donors’ and Aid organizations’ Mutual Accountability

Dhaka, 21 November 2024: Humanitarian actors have demanded an effective implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments at the country level. Grand Bargain commitment was adopted in Istanbul during May 2016 in World Humanitarian Summit, the commitment has been signed by around 68 UN agencies, INGOs. The commitments tailored with 51 indicators related to localization, accountability […]


The Grand Bargain (GB) Annual Meeting 2024 was held on October 16-17 in Geneva, bringing together donor countries, UN agencies, I/NGOs, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, and local actors, who were central to the discussions. The GB Principal and Sherpa, along with ambassadors, reviewed both the progress and challenges of the GB 3.0 Framework, urging all […]

Open Organization is Fundamental for Participation Revolution

The workshop on Participation Revolution I was keen to participate in the workshop, ‘Participation Revolution’ organised by CHS Alliance and ICVA, from 25 to 27th June 2024, in Bangkok, as I thought I would learn and share different definitions, initiatives and experiences. We found a lot of questions from our local friends about why it […]

CSO urge Bangladesh to follow the Indian Example of Recognizing 1971 Refugees for Rohingya without Ratifying the Geneva Convention

Dignity for Rohingya refugees Demanded in COAST and CCNF seminar on World Refugee Day Dhaka, 20 June 2024: Coast Foundation and Cox’s Bazar CSO-NGO Forum (CCNF) organised an online international seminar today observing World Refugee Day. Speakers there said that formal recognition as a refugee would solve many problems. Bangladesh has shown magnanimity by sheltering […]

রোহিঙ্গা সংকট নিরসনে সারা বিশ্বের দায় মেটাতে বাংলাদেশ কেন ঋণ নেবে?

মানবিক কাজে বিশ্বব্যাংকের ঋণ প্রস্তাবের প্রতিবাদে কক্সবাজারে নাগরিক সমাজের বিক্ষোভ কক্সবাজার, ৪ জুন ২০২৪: বাংলাদেশে অবস্থানরত দশ লক্ষাধিক রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থীদের প্রভাবে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত স্থানীয় জনগোষ্ঠীর উন্নয়নে বিশ্বব্যাংক বাংলাদেশকে ৭০ কোটি ডলার ঋণ প্রস্তাব করলে তার প্রতিবাদে বিক্ষোভ প্রদর্শণ করে কক্সবাজারের নাগরিক সমাজ। আজ সকাল এগারোটায় কক্সবাজার জেলা প্রশাসক অফিসের সামনে কক্সবাজার সিএসও এনজিও ফোরাম- সিসিএনএফ আয়োজিত […]

Right-based civil society on Rohingya response opposes World Bank loan : Transparency and Inclusive Participation Urged for Highest Services to Rohingya Refugees

Cox’s Bazar, 11th March 2024: Today, a seminar titled “Rohingya Response in Cox’s Bazar: Strategies and Inclusion in 2024” is held at the RRRC (Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner) office’s conference room. CCNF (Cox’s Bazar CSO NGO Forum) and COAST Foundation organised the seminar, which was chaired by the RRRC, Mr Mizanur Rahman. UNHCR representative […]