A network of local CSOs and NGOs in Cox’s Bazar to promote a human and gender responsive society through positive engagement with government.

6th March 2018. Today evening a dinner meeting organized by COAST, CMTC (Cox’sBazar Management and Training Centre). The program have been participated by some internationals NGO leaders and some representation of national and internationals NGOs. Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury was facilitated the meeting. He welcomed everyone for joining the informal meeting. The informal meeting has been carried on importance of localization under Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals response in Cox’s Bazar.  Rezaul Karim Chowdhury said that many international NGOs are directly implementing and operating in the FDMN response in Cox’s Bazar. But they were committed (Grand Bargain) to engage and implement through partnership of local organization/local NGOs.
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