We, the local and national NGO representatives in SEG (Strategic Executive Group) drafted this position paper on the draft Joint Response Plan (JRP) 2020 for the Rohingya response. UN agencies formed SEG to provide policy guidance for ISCG (Inter Sectoral Coordination Group) to lead the Rohingya response. We are also the part of CCNF (Cox’s Bazar CSO NGO Forum www.cxb-cso-ngo.org), a homegrown network to build the local civil society to promote human right society in Cox’s Bazar. In respect of Rohingya response, we prefer the approach of “long term but repatriation” instead of “near term repatriation”. There is no alternative of repatriation, but the repatriation have to be sustainable. Situation around Rohingya response so dynamic, everyday it is changing, so the policy document should be a live document, there is a need of space for all stakeholder to provide opinion.
Comments on the draft JRP 2020 by CCNF / Local and National NGO representative of Strategic Executive Group [English Version]